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    2016 AVE New Product Promotion Conference – Feces Analyzer

        2016.7.5-6, AVE organized a new product presentation of Feces Analyzer in InterContinental Hotel in Changsha. This conference invited the agents from more than 20 provinces in China.  

        AVE-562 Fully Automated Feces Analyzer is a self-R&D product, merges multiple innovative and patented technology, fulfilling complete the automation of feces test. From sample preparation, feces color, character analysis, microscopic examination, Occult Blood and other Chemical or immunological parameters test to waste disposal and report is completely walk-away automation without subjective affects and biological risk.

        Following the recommendation in China, we will grandly promote this analyzer in this AACC (August 02 – 04, 2016), your presence is cordially requested.






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